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Andreas Karl Schulze: P SYSYPP S YP P
Cat. Bibliothek für Psychologie Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Texts (German/English) by Günther Kebeck, Kristina Scepanski
16 p with 11 coloured illustrations
240 x 165 mm, stapled
ISBN 978-3-86442-111-2
Really Big!
That is to say, extending across three sides of the room at the Library for Psychology at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster, the frieze P SYSYPP S YP P measures 60 meteres in length and 40 cm in height. Coloured cotton squares measuring five centimeters are mounted on the wall, spelling letters – some of them upside down. Thus, seeing soon becomes reading, which soon fails, and so reading becomes seeing once more, since the letters tend to repeatedly disintegrate into those independent color fields of which they are composed. The viewer experiences the perpetual decay and formation of a form. Nothing is fixed: random spatial references and the methodological factors of an installation principle thwarts the usual approach – reading, logic, explanation and prediction. This allows the static and visually severe spatial structure of the library, with its rows of shelves and colored book spines, to be met by effortless ramblings, playing with variants of meanings, gliding on a high level of dynamic complexity from pure thought to being deeply moved. And this happens almost casually, without us even realizing!