Sabine Kuehnle: Stories from the North

Text (German/English) by Britta Schröder
144 p with 200 coloured illustrations
240 x 180 mm, brochure with flaps

ISBN 978-3-86442-415-1

39,80 €

Clever, raw, clear, and sometimes hard

»Axe-age, sword-age, shields are cleft a sunder, wind-age, wolf-age, before the world plunges headlong …« The murmuring vision of the Seer in the Nordic song of the »Edda« is about an enor­m­ous, above all eloquent mythological world. ­Sabine Kuehnle depicts it in a three-dimensional installation, guiding us to the ash tree Yggdrasill, which in Norse mythology ­represents the entire cosmos. Its crown connects heaven and earth, its roots reach deep down to a spring, which is home to three maiden figures: they determine our fate, their names are: that which has become, that which is becoming, and that which is to come. ­Sabine Kuehnle allows them to have an impact, so that they can connect with other impressions, figures, images, and ­stories and open up new narratives and spaces. At times resembling some precise scientific research, the path to this goal then again ­proceeds in a purely associative manner. The ­separation between concentrated search and free drifting is abolished, the conscious and the unconscious are supposed to converge. Combin­ing and processing materials, textures and space in such a way that they have the ­effect of a poem: much like a condensed thought, clever, raw, clear, and sometimes hard, therein lies the distinctive quality of ­Sabine Kuehnle’s works.