Autoportraits. De Rembrandt au selfie

Cat. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon

Exhibition catalogue, edited by Sylvie Ramond and Stéphane Paccoud
texts (French) by Michael Clarke, Alexander Eiling, Imogen Gibbon, James Hall, Pia Müller-Tamm, Stéphane Paccoud, Sylvie Ramond, Tessa Rosebrock, Dorit Schäfer, Wolfgang Ullrich, Ludmilla Virassamynaïken, Pierre Vaisse
284 p with 225 coloured illustrations
300 x 240 mm, softcover with flaps

French Edition:
ISBN 978-3-86442-140-2

39,80 €

Other versions of this title: 
English Version, ISBN 978-3-86442-139-6

The Self-portrait

The self-portrait is a genuinely European species of Fine Art, and an extremely topical genre: whether late medieval portrait in the mirror, proud self-representation during the Baroque period, or portrayal of the sentimental self in Romanticism – the separate identity within the image opens up a whole scope of themes that reaches as far as the phenomenon of today's Selfie, shared million­fold on the web. Exhibition and catalogue were ­designed in an international collabo­ration of ­museums in Karlsruhe, Lyon and Edinburgh. A collection of more than 100 works from their collections (paintings, drawings, prints and videos) is dedicated to the many motifs of human self-questioning and self-expression.

Artists: Palma Vecchio, Vincenzo Campi, Simon Vouet, Jacob Marrell, George Jamesone, Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn, Jan Lievens, Jacques Stella, Abraham van Beyeren, Gabriel Metsu, Samuel van Hoogstraaten, ­Hyacinthe Rigaud, Joseph Vivien, Jean-Antoine Watteau, Alexis Grimou, Alan Ramsay, David Martin, Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki, Alexander Runciman, Pierre Révoil, Fleury Richard, Friedrich Mosbrugger, Daniel Fohr, Georg Philipp Schmitt, Marie Ellenrieder, Sir David Wilie, Jean-Marie Jacomin, Antoine Duclaux, Claude Bonnefond, Sir Henry Raeburn, Johann Wilhelm Schirmer, Claude Lavergne, Franz Xaver Winterhalter, Hermann Winterhalter, Guido Philipp Schmitt, Michel Dumas, Louis Janmot, Anselm Feuerbach, Gustave ­Courbet, David Octavius Hill, Robert Adamson, John Muir Wood, Hippolyte Flandrin, Louis Lamothe, James Nasmyth, Hans Thoma, Jean-Baptiste Frénet, Henri Fantin-Latour, Éva Gonzalès, Eugène Carrière, Auguste Morisot, Jean Carriès, Max Klinger, James Ensor, Edvard Munch, William Strang, Lucien Simon, Stanley Cursiter, Imogen Cunningham, Lovis Corinth, Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell, Henri Matisse, Ernst ­Ludwig Kirchner, Ludwig Meidner, Erich Heckel, Paul Klee, Max Beckmann, Duncan Grant, Georg Scholz, Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita, Wilhelm Schnarrenberger, Karl Hubbuch, Cecile Walton, Gino Severini, Alexander Kanoldt, Oskar Kokoschka, Lee Miller, WOLS, Edith Tudor-Hart, Robert Henderson Blyth, Fritz Klemm, Joseph Beuys, Marina Abramović, Ulrike Rosenbach, John Patrick Byrne, Andy Warhol, Robert Mapplethorpe, Jan Fabre, Alison Watt, John Bellany, Helen Chadwick, Angela Palmer, Tracey Emin, John Coplans, Douglas Gordon, Bruce Nauman, Max Schoendorff, Sarah Lucas, Annie Lennox, Allan Martin, Ken Currie, Ai Weiwei, Peter Weibel/Matthias Gommel, Bernd Lintermann/Joachim Tesch

Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, 31/10/2015–30/1/2016
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, 26/3–26/6/2016
Scottish National Galleries Edinburgh, 16/7–16/10/2016