Music with Sculptures of Contemporary Art

Exhibition catalogue Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfort, edited by Matthias Ulrich
texts (German/English) by Irene Noy, Marion Saxer, Matthias Ulrich, Salomé Voegelin
2 booklets with in total of 64 p with 50 coloured illustrations
254 x 254 mm, double EP cover with two inserted booklets

ISBN 978-3-86442-285-0


29,80 €

Contemporary art has its own sound

Musical instruments in form of sculptures represent a still relatively unknown, recent development in contemporary art. The ­publication accompanying this international group ex­hibition presents artworks that, at the same time, function as musical instruments. The performance on the sculptural instruments forms the center of this constantly changing exhi­bition. During the course of the show, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt will temporarily turn into a concert hall, where the works are activated and brought to tonal life. Visitors to the exhibition will be able to experience the sound of the artworks in a live setting. Ever newly ­formed ensembles examine the sound of the instruments, which are subsequently presented in concerts, or the ­artists activate their own works in performances. ­Starting point for the concept is an extended notion of art and music as seen during the Fluxus movement of the 1960s: happenings and ­actions were understood as »concerts«, since they ­appeared structured like compositions, and combined different media and materials.

Doug Aitken, Nevin Aladag , Allora & Calzadilla, Carlos Amorales, Tarek Atoui, Cevdet Erek, Guillermo Galindo, Constantin Luser, Christian ­Marclay, Caroline Mesquita, Rie Nakajima, Carsten Nicolai, Pedro Reyes, Naama Tsabar, Hans van Koolwijk, David Zink Yi

Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfort, 19/6 – 8/9/2019