
Hans Arp in the dialogue with current artist positions

Exhibition catalogue, edited by Oliver Kornhoff
texts (German/English) by Astrid von Asten, Oliver Kornhoff, Heike Strelow
120 p with 120 coloured illustrations
280 x 210 mm, hardcover with title embossing

ISBN 978-3-940953-83-4

39,80 €

In the Great Studio of Nature

For Hans Arp, nature was the measure of everything, the constant transmutation of natural forms and the metamorphoses, or in Arp’s words, »we were looking for an elemental form of art which would cure mankind of the madness of our times«.
In addition, Hans Arp is the pioneer of organic abstraction and has, in particular since the 1930s, promoted an engagement with the subject in the shape of his biomorphic structures, which continues to this day. Thus the artworks in this exhibition, all of which are illustrated in this book, not only demonstrate the rich stock of his works in the Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, but combine them with an overview of important contemporary positions collected by the museum, works by ­Angelika Arendt, Bonnie Collura, Tony Cragg, Louise Bourgeois, Jackie Brookner, Jáchym Fleig, Julie Hayward, Bodo Korsig, Gerhard Mantz, Maix Mayer, Wilhelm Mundt, Ernesto Neto, Thomas Rentmeister, Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer, venske & spänle, Luis Vidal or Birgitta Weimer.

Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, Remagen, 27/05/2011–22/01/2012