Sylvie Fleury: Exhibition History 1991–2023

Cat. Kunst Museum Winterthur

Exhibition catalogue, edited by Konrad Bitterli, David Schmidhauser
texts (German/English) by Konrad Bitterli, Simon Baier, Elisabeth Bronfen
208 p with 600 mainly coloured illustrations
295 x 220 mm, clothbound embossed in two colours

ISBN 978-3-86442-420-5

48,00 €

Fashion, Glamour, Lifestyle

If ever an art ­museum is transformed into a fashion show, then Sylvie Fleury definitely is the guest. For around twenty-five years, the artist has wittily ­explored gender clichés and the stereotypes of consumer society. Kunst Museum Winterthur is presenting »Shoplifters from Venus«, the first ­comprehensive solo exhibition of the Geneva artist in Switzerland in fifteen years, in which she seeks a dialogue with modernism while revealing its masculine character with great relish. This forthcoming book is more than just an exhibition catalogue: it follows the development of the artist’s work on the basis of all her solo exhibi­tions since the 1990s. Essays by Simon Baier, Konrad Bitterli, and Elisabeth Bronfen illuminate ­selected aspects of her work, which over the years has lost little of its contentious poignancy and emancipatory power.

Kunst Museum Winterthur, 3/6 – 20/8/2023