Daniel Richter: 10001nights

Exhibition catalogue, edited by Veit Görner, Susanne Figner
texts (German/English) by ­Susanne Figner, Anders Kold, Kito Nedo
92 p with 70 coloured illustrations
255 x 340 mm, clothbound with embossings

ISBN 978-3-940953-97-1

68,00 €

Outsider, Adventurer, Terrorists

Daniel Richter has remained true to his characteristic outsider and adventurer theme in his latest paint­ings. At centre of the works we have the figure of the Levantine Old Man of the Mountain with the ­Assassins. It is that attested story of young Muslims in the Early Middle Ages who, as weak-willed agents of the leader of the archaic sect in a parallel universe – half- ­paradise, half-brothel – are being dosed up on hashish and who then, ­having come down from their high and as suicide attackers or terror­ists, plunge the Islamic world into a state of fear and panic.
This catalogue presents the latest series comprising many large-­format paintings for the first time and accompanies the series’ ­premiere held at the ­Kestnergesellschaft in Hanover. A spectacular, over­sized format guarantees optimal reproduction value; for the time being, this book is the only one available on the ­artist’s work.

Kestnergesellschaft, Hanover, 4/9–6/11/2011