Isa Melsheimer

With a text (German/English) by Stefan Ripplinger
112 p with 85 coloured illustrations

225 x 225 mm, clothbound with partial dustjacket

ISBN 978-3-936859-34-8


A whole world

Isa Melsheimer isn’t actually illuminating tiny cardboard and plywood residences or sticking them onto the steep dark internal walls of cone-shaped bowls, she is perhaps embroidering at that very moment coarsely patterned mattresses reminiscent of the grandparental marital bed, or brightly coloured, flag-like wall hangings. It may seem as though the former pupil of Georg Baselitz and Artist in residence at the Chianti Foundation in Marfa has taken up permanent residence at »Minatures R Us!«. Occasionally her work has been compared to Rosemarie Trockel’s or interpreted as postfeminist sculpture, meaning that although installational, it actually also refers to the interstices caught between the separated objects in space. In this way a perspective on human society develops through the emphasis upon transitory elements of architecture, design and urbanity. Designed in a narrative sequence, this volume presents an overview of the embroideries, gouaches, models and objects for the first time.